June 28, 2019
We all want our cupboards to smell amazing year round, especially in winter when dampness and musky odours can set in. Linen, towels and clothing are particularly susceptible to picking up on any moisture in the air and storing it in it's fibers.
After a day hard at washing, drying, folding and putting away (if you're a home goddess, and don't live in my house that is!) you want that just washed freshness to linger for as long as possible.
Hers's a couple of easy ways you can do this:
DIY your own scent sachets. That way you can be sure to get the fresh scent that you enjoy, not everyone is a fan of lavender.
Here's what you will need:
How to make your own scent sachet:
In a glass bowl mix rice and essential oils/fragrance thoroughly. Leave to stand for 15-20 minutes so that the oil can absorb into the rice.
Carefully spoon the rice mixture into your sachet bag, give it a shake and hook over a hanger in your wardrobe or gently position on a shelf in your linen closet.
The scent will last for weeks and once you feel it is starting to fade, reopen the bag and sprinkle in a couple more drops of your essential oil.
<TOP TIP: Be careful where you place your sachet bag as some of the oils may stain - I suggest hanging it on a hanger or placing it on a shelf so it doesn't touch linen>
Some other ways to keep your closets smelling delicious:
Use a Linen Spray
A linen spray will keep linens smelling fresh and clothes retaining that just washed smell, with only a couple of squirts. Stand the glass bottle in your linen cupboard for easy access and spray lightly every time you open the door. You can also freshen the scent even after the sheets have been on your bed for a while. Just spray after you get up in the morning and when you crawl between the sheets at night the scent will greet you.
Store your candles in your closet
A genius hack! Store all those beautifully scented candles and wax melts at the top of your wardrobe or in your linen closet, Each time you open the door you will be greeted with the most amazing waft of aroma.
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November 28, 2019
August 28, 2019
July 25, 2019